More than thirty-five members of our local came together in Lac du bonnet at Casey’s restaurant on Monday the 16th 2024 to enjoy a great Chinese buffet before the christmas holidays.

Many Thanks goes out to Henry Dube who organized the food, Wayne Sewchuk who collected additional funds, and Tom Turner & Frank Zinke who chauffeured all of us safely to casey’s and back to work in a not so pleasant winter road condition. Also appreciating CNL for giving us wheels & a bit of extra time. Glen Tomchuk our Rep. and his friend – appetite.. made the treacherous way out from wpg. to join us.

If it isn’t the the season that lifts up your spirit, I hope it is the spirit of christmas that rekindles the flame of wonderful memories past and to be made.
What we hold dear to heart will always be close and with us no matter the distance in space or time.
I wish you all a wonderful holiday surrounded by your loved ones, take in the smells and sounds that embrace you or just sit back, think, relax and enjoy.
Merry Christmas